Working with Wild horses

A question I often get is …. “What is a good method to use for training and working with wild or abused horses?” Well … Here is the “magic” answer!

I have been working with wild mustangs and working with equine rescues for many years. As you might suspect, wild and/or abused or neglected horses can be a real challenge.

Anytime you’re working with any horse, you should always keep in mind the history of the horse if known. As a trainer, this gives you a better insight and will help you understand why the horse may be behaving a certain way. Unfortunately, trainers rarely get accurate information on a given horses’ background….. So, what’s a poor trainer to do?

The “magic” answer is, (drum roll…) There is no magic answer!! Crystal balls and Pixie dust just doesn’t work!

My method to work with a Mustang, or an abused horse is no different than working with any other horse! If you learn how to be FAIR to EVERY horse you work with, then you will have success with EVERY horse.

So … how do you be fair? Here’s how….

Wild Mustangs
Working with wild Mustangs

There are five things every horse deserves from you as a trainer, rider or handler;

Patience – If you suck in this category, go take up basket weaving until you get better. This is the most important quality a trainer must have! The moment you get frustrated or angry, you have lost your ability to effectively communicate with your horse.

Consistency – Speak the same language all the time! Get disciplined with your body language so your horse will learn to understand you! Established a set of rules and stay with them 100% of the time.

Timing & Feel – This coincides with Pressure & Release. Understand when to apply pressure, when to release the pressure and how much pressure to apply etc. Timing & feel is essential to communicating fairly with your horse.

Dedication – Your horse deserves to be treated fairly! As a trainer, rider or handler, you owe it to your horse to educate and dedicate yourself to understanding how your horse thinks and what your horse is feeling. Are they trying to be dominate? Are they fearful? Learn how to effectively communicate with your horse.

Patience, Consistency, Timing / Feel and Dedication….. Arming yourself with these tools along with hard work and quality time with your horse will give you the best chance in making that wild Mustang you have into a great partner!

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