The Bolo Bio

Originally from Greenville South Carolina, starting when Bolo was six years old, he spent all his spare time growing up at his uncles’ ranch in Travelers Rest South Carolina. Here Bolo learned how to ride, respect and care for horses.

During the 80’s and 90’s, Bolos’ career as a country music artist and song writer took most of his time. He was travelling all the time, but he always found time for horses along the way. Quite often, while on the road with his band, he would be invited to ride with some real cowboys on some of the largest ranches

In 2022, Bolo appeared in the movie “The Hanging of William Cane” and in 2023, he appeared in the movie “A Gunfighters Deal”. Bolo also was a trainer “wrangler” for multiple horses used in this film.
Pictured with Bolo is actor Jessie Kove. Jessie is know for several movies and TV appearances.
Bolo’s horse “Doc” in the middle!
Coming full circle, Bolo now focuses on his own style of horsemanship training. While working with hundreds of horses over the years, he took advantage of every opportunity to improve his horsemanship skills by spending time with world class trainers who was an influence such as Buck Brannaman and Clinton Anderson.

Bolo has won numerous awards in reining, dressage, and more recently, the sport of mounted shooting. Bolo is the CSA 2015 National Points Champion in the mounted shooting rifle class and the 2019 UMS Florida State Reserve High Point Cowboy (Pistol Class).

Bolo had the honor and privilege of hanging out and learning from Hall of Fame Competitor Jack Hennig!
Bolo supports equine rescues! The task of rehabbing and rehoming abused, neglected or unwanted horses is a passion of his. He also loves visiting local elementary schools and sharing knowledge about horses!

There are many, but here are a few others that are highly respected by Bolo. These great horsemen have inspired him over the years and made him a better horseman, competitor and person!
“Horses are amazing animals to allow humans to ride them and do the things we ask of them.
A well behaved horse stands a much better chance of finding and keeping a good home. As humans, we stand a much better chance of enjoying and staying safe on a well trained horse.”
…Bolo Hunt