Mounted Shooting – Why I Do It!

The Bolo Bio

As a professional trainer, Why did I learn the sport of Mounted Shooting

I am a professional horse trainer. I’ve been training horses now for many years. A few years ago, I was approached by representatives of a local mounted shooting club and was invited to join them and try this new sport called mounted shooting.  At the time, I was into reining and ranch horse type competitions and didn’t really have much extra spare time getting involved in another competition! Don’t misunderstand, I enjoy competing however, my passion is training, and that has always come first!  So, the more I thought about it, from a trainer’s perspective, I knew the more things I could expose my horses to, the better!  I then decided on a plan, I would bring a different horse each week, rotating them so each horse would get equal exposure to shooting a gun from the saddle. My “plan” was purely for training purposes only.

So, I show up with one of my own horses (Montana) and I was provided a very nice orientation to the world of mounted shooting. The first thing I noticed was the very welcoming and friendly atmosphere from all the members of this organization. So, I began my training sessions.

Mounted Shooting
Bolo & Mesa Fall Shootout

With each horse I would bring, I quickly realized that mounted shooting required a whole new set of skills that I had not used or even thought of as a trainer!

As time progressed, I became better and faster with each horse…, I’m really starting to have fun! After a few months I was encouraged to think about competing in a mounted shooting match. I did, and well, as the saying goes, the rest is history.

I still enjoy competing to this day. I have no doubt that getting involved in the sport of mounted shooting made me a much better trainer and made every horse I used along the way a more well-rounded horse.

Try mounted shooting, or really, most any level of competition in any discipline!  It might just humble you a bit and more than likely improve your horsemanship skills.  I firmly believe you will also come away with a much better horse in the process!

More on Mounted Shooting

Is your horse making the decisions – or are You?

I was watching an NBHA Barrel race when at the first barrel, the rider came off. To everyone’s relief, the rider was ok, but the horse continued to run the barrel pattern. To my amazement, the horse ran the complete pattern nearly perfect …. Without the rider.

I’ve seen parents put a small child on a seasoned barrel horse and let go. As the child was screaming and crying, the horse did a fine job at running the pattern.

Mounted Shooting
Bolo riding Mesa in Rifle Class


I hear barrel racers say, “I need a trainer to put “The Pattern” on the horse”.  I think, ok…. in barrel racing the pattern is the same (given the left-right-right or right-left-left turns). Sooo, what if I took my mounted shooting horse to a trainer and said, “Put the pattern on my horse”. Of course, in mounted shooting, there are 40+ different courses (patterns), at least four of which are used at each competition! I would probably get a strange look from the trainer.