Special Horse Stories

Welcome to Special Horse Stories!

Occasionally we come across a very unusual training situation with horses that have unique background stories. You’ll find these special horse stories here.

“Onyx” – Trailer loading disaster!

After a disastrous loading attempt that caused damage to a trailer and fences and injured a person and the horse, Onyx was an extreme case of a horse fearful of the trailer. See how we were able to get him loaded without forcing him on the trailer.

Trailer Loading Problems
Onyx – Trailer Loading Disaster

“Phoenix” – Rise from the ashes!

Phoenix is a Thoroughbred who was rescued from a horrible neglect situation and found a loving home. Watch how we brought him from an untrusting fearful horse to a wonderful life partner!

Phoenix – Rise from the Ashes

“Buttercup” – The “Comeback”!

A routine injection went wrong leaving this Andalusian/Thoroughbred mare with possible brain damage. Using our training program, see how we still found great potential in this sweet mare!

Bolo and BC
Butter Cup