Quick Tips Video Series
The Quick Tips Video Series is a collection of short horse training videos designed to provide basic “concept” information. We always recommend seeking out a professional trainer for more comprehensive training!

Welcome to Quick Tips!
Using Spurs
Learn why, when and how to use spurs
Using Mecate Reins
Mecate means “rope”. Learn when & why I use them, especially for trail riding.
Backing Your Horse
Here are the reasons I teach my horses to back up!
Ground Tying
What does it mean? Why should I teach my horse this useful lesson?
Using Sports Medicine Boots
Protect your horse’s legs! Use sports medicine boots!
Rope Halters
I only use rope halters. Learn why and how to use them
“8 at the Gate”
A favorite exercise that helps with softening, magnets and anticipation
Teach your horse to lower their head!
Easier way to place the halter or head stall
Horse Warm-up- Part 1
Get your horse warmed up on the ground
Horse Warm-up – Part 2
Warming up under saddle
Sending Your Horse
Learn how to “send” your horse. You’ll find this important in your training program!
Learning the Ropes
Learn how to manage your loop “rope” reins
What is a “Broke” Horse?
Our definition of a “broke” horse
Plastic Bags
Desensitizing your horse to scary objects