Mounted shooting competition is one of Bolo’s fun activities.
Bolo has been involved in mounted shooting since 2013 and has since won numerous awards and buckles including a 2015 National Points Champion for the rifle class. Currently he still competes but enjoys training new riders and competitors in the sport of mounted shooting!
In an article, Mounted Shooting Competition, We talk about, from a training perspective, how important it is to expose your horse new activities. Here’s a look inside one of Bolo’s favorites by way of mounted shooting videos!

Bolo and RTH have produced several mounted shooting videos for training & demonstration. We share a few here!
Ride along with Bolo from the saddle POV on a mounted shooting run!
Bolo riding “Doc” on another mounted shooting run view from the saddle … Bridleless!!
Bolo explaining how horse with a nice foundation do better at competition levels!