Mounted Shooting Competition

Why Competition

One of my favorite activities is mounted shooting competition. As a professional horse trainer, I believe the more exposure you can provide to your horse the better! As horse owners, we should constantly take them to new places and let them enjoy new activities. Getting involved in equestrian competitions is very good in many ways. It’s a great and humbling reality check to see how you and your horse measures up to others, it gives your horse a job to do and it will motivate you to improve!

Mounted Shooting competition is a speed event where riders run courses selected 40 official courses shooting ten targets in each course using single action old west style single action revolvers, lever action rifles and shotguns.

The fastest time with no misses or penalties wins!

Mounted Shooting
Bolo riding Mesa in Rifle Class

It all started in 2012 when I was practicing for a cow sorting competition. Another rider invited me to try mounted shooting. My first thought was how to find the time between training horses and already competing in other events.

After further thought, I knew that exposing the horses I was training to shooting would be beneficial!

So, I joined this group of mounted shooters. The first thing I noticed was how friendly and welcoming this group was. Once I started learning, practicing and improving my skills, the next thing I realized was how much fun I was having!

Mounted Shooting
Bolo riding Mesa in Rifle Class. Bolo is the 2015 CSA National Points Rifle Champion
Mounted Shooting
Bolo and Doc on a mounted shooting run – Pistols

With a little practice and some great coaching, I began entering mounted shooting competitions. The competitions are sanctioned by a national organization who provides the competition rules and tracks competitors points by state and nationally.

Southeastern Mounted Shooters Association

Southeastern Mounted Shooters Association
A few members of SEMSA

In 2016 Southeastern Mounted Shooters Association (SEMSA) was created. Located in Dover Florida, SEMSA produces mounted shooting competition and training events.

In addition to competitions, our group provides mounted shooting demonstrations and exhibitions and always looking to promote and expand the sport.

Mounted shooting demonstration
Mounted Shooting Demonstration

Ride along in the saddle on a mounted shooting run!

Southeastern Mounted Shooters Association
Southeastern Mounted Shooters Association