I use rope halters exclusively. They have no hardware (metal) to rust or injure the horse, They are highly adjustable, and most importantly, for me, since I always use them to move my horses from point A to point B is that I always have a training tool ready if needed! (I should add that I also always use a 14′ lead with my rope halters, the lead line should be heavy enough to use as a spanker of needed). Two knot halters will work but I like rope halters that have four knots across the nose. The two inside knots provide additional pressure where needed on the horse’s nose.
Rope halters (and leads) can be purchased at many locations . If you need any help finding quality ropes and Halters contact me and I’ll be glad to point you in the right direction!

(1) As you position the halter on the nose, bring the tail of the halter over the horses head and hold the side loop with your left hand.

(2) Thread the tail from the top through the side loop

(3) Check the position of the halter! make sure the knots on the nose are positioned correctly on the pressure points of the horse. Make sure the lower back center knot is centered in the throat latch behind the jaw and everything is snug. Run the tail behind the loop and pull up towards you.

(4) As you pull the tail up and towards you, hold the lower knot and snug everything up.

(5) Take the tail and run it back under the cheek line to get it out of the way and to prevent any potential to injury to the horses eyes